About Us

Learn more about Slate Hill Charcoal

Who are we?

Luke – the woodsman

Helen – the wife

Luke grew up in Kent and moved to the west when studying at Uni. With a Land Management degree under his belt and no desire to work behind a desk, Luke packed his bags and started his farming career in Australia. After a bit of travel, working on fruit farms and sailing boats he spent the majority of his time down under on a 5000 ha mixed farm for 18 months before he returned to Gloucestershire to continue farming.

slate hill charcoal logo

Helen grew up on her family farm in Wiltshire. Having left the same Uni with the same degree as Luke it was no surprise that when fate (*cough* tinder *cough*) flung the pair together they got on alright and decided to shack up and start a family.

Why are we doing this?

Initially the idea for producing British charcoal was Luke’s. Wanting to work for himself and from home, him now being a family man, and having always had a keen interest in woodland management he soon came across the benefits of producing British sustainable charcoal and felt that this was an exciting opportunity that needed pursuing.

“The world is at a turning point. Currently there is a swell in our society of passion towards looking after our environment. It’s going beyond just doing our bit, it’s changing perception and policy, and it’s saying there needs to be clarity in how things are produced and recognising that cheaper for the consumer often means costly for the natural world.”

It was this thought process that fuelled Luke’s crackpot idea into reality. Not only would he get to see his family, he’d also watch them grow up with the ideals of striving for biodiverse woodland ecosystems and working locally to benefit society.

So after consideration about how to actually achieve this little venture and having brought everyone on board, it wasn’t long before Slate Hill Charcoal Co was conceived. It was a few months and the odd set back later however before production began…


Slate Hill Charcoal Co. is a family run business fundamentally set up with the next generation in mind.

Continue on our journey with us:


Single Species lumpwood charcoal, made from 100% British hardwoods including Alder and Ash. These trees have been felled under license as part of a woodland management plan in order to preserve and promote the biodiversity and sustainability of our woodlands. Each species brings it’s own characteristics to your barbecue.


Our raw materials are sourced from as nearby as possible to our base in the North Wessex downs. With some just a stones throw from our charcoal retort! Keeping it local and reducing unnecessary transport is a key part of our philosophy.


QUALITY – our charcoal making process produces some of the finest cooking material available!

SUSTAINABILITY – Unnecessary charcoal imports are damaging tropical
ecosystems and polluting the planet.


We Brits love a Barby come rain or shine. By using our chemical-free Charcoal you’ll be able to enjoy a quicker and cleaner burn. Faster lighting means faster feasting!


We make our charcoal using the highly efficient retort method, which uses the wood’s own volatile gases to cook itself to pure carbon. As there are no additives, your charcoal can be ready to cook on as soon as it has reached temperature, and more can be added whenever you want.

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